Grounds and Maintenance Rules
Each Affiliate club has a designated area for boat and equipment storage.
Each affiliate club must maintain their designated area. This includes cutting the grass and weeds if needed, picking up trash and debris and keeping the property in an attractive, clean, and sanitary condition.
Only minor repair of small boats is permitted on the premises. Our lease with the City of Daytona Beach specifically states that our facilities shall not be used for major maintenance or overhauling of large personal boats or for the maintenance and repair of any other vehicles, including cars.
We are an all-volunteer organization, if you see something out of place, please put it back where it belongs. When you are through using the facility, leave it the way you would want to find it the next time you visit.

Our Facility - Information
The pavilion is the central hub of all the club’s activities. It consists of the pavilion area, restrooms, garage/sail room and secure storage room (the annex).
The dock, boat lift and floating dock provide berthing for our larger boats and our safety boat. The floating dock is just that and as such can really rock when a large wake passes – watch your step. Boats should not be left unattended on the floating dock without permission.
The “yard” surrounding the pavilion is for HSA, HYS, ERAU, Gold and Silver member boats stored in assigned spaces/areas. Space is extremely limited.
Because room for automobile parking is so limited, please park outside the gate during an event. While the interior yard may look empty, plenty of swing room is needed to maneuver boats into their spaces. If there is any chance your vehicle may block a space and you leave the area, to go sailing for instance, be sure that you leave your keys so that the vehicle may be moved. Be respectful of other member’s needs.